Friday, March 18, 2011


The game I'm playing at the moment is The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena.

It has been a long time on my "buy it" list but somehow I have always bought something else. Two weeks ago when watching the movie "Chronicles of Riddick" I yet again had the urge to buy the game and guess what? When looking for the game on different sites I found it supercheap! Two seconds later I had clicked "order".

The disc also contains the old Riddick game "Escape from Butcher Bay" which I found quite entertaining. The story ain't much but sneaking around silently killing guards was fun.  Sometimes it felt maybe too hard but I guess my obsession not the get noticed had something to do with it. I always felt like I failed if had to use some of the guns. Except tranquilizer gun which made killing feel easy and satisfying.

Although the game felt difficult at times, the reason was usually me. The part where you are at the landing platform trying to get to the ship and there's two riot guards and three light guards who all have to be killed made me wanna scream at first. How on earth can you kill two riot guards with just shotgun?!?!? After several frustrating attemps I went backwards to look for the medstation and found my salvation. There it was lying with to one dead riot guard. Minigun!! With that it wasn't hard at all to kill those riot guards and cut the light guards to pieces. Aah, how satisfying.

Assault on Dark Athena, for the time I have played it (now fighting Revas for the first time), seems pretty much the same but little bit harder. There has already been few times where my blood pressure has rised too high. Some storage rooms with too many drones, couple fist fights and the killing of the first Dark Athena Mech. I think it was just luck when I ran through the corridor with that mech on my tail.

I have read that AoDA isn't about sneaking but just plain shooting, but for what I have played I don't agree. Or maybe you don't sneak at all during the rest of the game? Don't know but going to find out. Revas here I come!


  1. why is your blog in another language, but your posts are english?

    anyway. I played this about a year and a half ago and thought it was good. But the first one was better. Good thing they gave us the first with the second.

  2. looks good I'll have to check it out sometime

  3. Played this at a friend once, real fun!

  4. i played some riddick game earlier, was decent enough.. might try this some day

  5. Actually one of the best games i've played for a while

  6. Absolutely love this game! keep up the good work!

  7. Nice review, I need to check it out.

  8. Following from

    - are you going to review any pc games?

  9. Looks like a cool game, thanks for review !

  10. I want to try new games but I'm too wrapped up playing Wow... one day...
    following to learn more....

  11. @Lemmy

    Not really playing with my PC cos it's too old. Just lying comfy on my couch with pad on my hands. And yes I know you can do that with PC also, but meh. -.-

  12. wow, looks good, is there any gameplay?

  13. Looks nice :) following!
